February 2025: Drone Surveillance of Building Enclosures


11:00 AM to 1:30 PM

11:00 AM – 11:30 AM – Check In and Network

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM – Lunch and Announcements

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – Presentation

1:00 PM – 1:30 PM – Drone Demo and Network

1:30PM – Adjourn


In-Person ONLY Meeting


In-Person Members – $20

In-Person Non-Members – $30

Join us Tuesday, February 11th for our next BEC Presentation!


Save the date!


Join us February 11th, 2025 for a meeting hosted by Braun Intertec discussing Drone Surveillance of Building Enclosures.


Droning On About Building Enclosures:
Complexities and Special Conditions with UAV

McGough Construction, 2737 Fairview Avenue North, St. Paul, MN
February 11, 2025


Course Description:
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or UAVs, are an important tool for many
industries and sectors in today’s world. How to apply this technology to
building enclosures requires understanding the advantages and
disadvantages of this tool beyond the casual backyard drone operator.
Hear from a UAV Pilot-in-Command and a Building Enclosure Consultant
on their experiences using a drone to capture various types of building
enclosure survey data to meet various building owner-driven goals.


Learning Objectives:

1. Know and evaluate the advantages of using UAV and when those
advantages increase the proficiency and quality of building
enclosure survey data.

2. Understand the disadvantages of using UAV around buildings and
varying site conditions; and how to overcome those

3. Analyze building, site, and occupancy conditions to create a preflight

4. Examine the UAV application in building enclosure surveys and
the safety parameters dictated by the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) and the UAV Pilot-in-Charge.

5. Evaluate the five case studies for the advantages, overcoming the
disadvantages, and pre-flight planning for UAV assisted building
enclosure survey and data collection.

Event Sponsor – Food

What do you get for $100?

  • Company Logo on the BEC-MN Website for this event as well as on a Large Poster Board for all to see at the event as well as recognition at the beginning of the presentation.
  • Price includes one event ticket. Separate registration for participants is required.
  • Bragging rights.
  • And of course a Heartfelt “Thank You” on behalf of the Building Enclosure Council of Minnesota.

Event Sponsor – Beverages

What do you get for $50?

  • Company Logo on the BEC-MN Website for this event as well as on a Large Poster Board for all to see at the event as well as recognition at the beginning of the presentation.
  • Bragging rights.
  • And of course a Heartfelt “Thank You” on behalf of the Building Enclosure Council of Minnesota.

Event Sponsor – Dessert

What do you get for $25?

  • Company Logo on the BEC-MN Website for this event as well as on a Large Poster Board for all to see at the event as well as recognition at the beginning of the presentation.
  • Bragging rights.
  • And of course a Heartfelt “Thank You” on behalf of the Building Enclosure Council of Minnesota.

The event is finished.

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