October 2022: Designing With Tile
Join the Construction Specifics Institute- Minneapolis/St. Paul and the Building Enclosure Council for our joint October meeting!
For our virtual only participants, things will be handled slightly differently than normal due to our combined meeting. Link to the meeting room will be sent out prior to the start of the event!
Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
New Hope, MN 55428
Course Description:
- This program takes a detailed look at the objective criteria set forth in ANSI and ASTM standards that establish the visual, physical, and performance requirements for the various types of tile. The program looks at tile’s aesthetic classifications, its dimensional stability, and other factors that impact the appearance of the finished assembly. It also looks at the physical criteria of strength, water absorption, bond strength, slip resistance, and other physical criteria set forth in the standards.
Tile apprentice instructors will lead participants of a tour of training and demonstration mockups, discussing important aspects of design and installation. View mockups that illustrate critical skill areas of large format tile, grouts, showers, membranes, and gauged porcelain tile.
This program is registered with AIA for a total of 1.5 HSW LUs
Scott Conwell, FAIA, FCSI, CDT, LEED AP
For the past three decades, Scott has dedicated his career to educating design professionals on best design and construction practices in masonry, stone, and tile. He has presented over 1,000 AIA-registered seminars in the US and abroad and has written dozens of technical articles for trade journals like Construction Specifier, Licensed Architect, BAC Journal, and 093000 Contractor, where he has a quarterly column. In recognition for his educational contributions to the national design community, Scott was made a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) in 2015, and a Fellow of the Construction Specifications Institute (FCSI) in 2018.
Scott leads IMI’s Tile/Marble/Terrazzo (TMT) industry development program. He sits on the Tile Council of North America (TCNA) Handbook committee, the ANSI committee for tile standards, and he is a founding member and advisor to the Advanced Certifications for Tile Installers (ACT) committee. He has organized IMI’s national series of multi-city TMT educational conferences and workshops with participation of top material suppliers and other tile industry organizations, helping designers navigate the changing world of tile standards and installation practices. In recognition for his work, in 2021 Scott was bestowed the Carl V. Cesery Award for Service to the Ceramic Tile Industry by the Tile Contractors’ Association of America (TCAA).