




The fourth BEST Conference Building Enclosure Science & Technologyâ„¢ (BEST4) to be held April 13 -15, 2015, at the Westin Kansas City at Crown Center, Kansas City, Missouri. Hosted by the Kansas City Building Enclosure Council (BEC-Kansas City), BEST4 is themed “Performance Driven Architectural Design.” Come early for the Sunday evening (April 12) cocktail-hour opening reception and stay for the full Conference.

Optional added workshop:

Building Enclosure Commissioning (BECx) Education Workshop Preview
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Stay over to attend! Attendees will get a detailed overview of the topics that will be taught in the five day educational course being planned by the National Institute of Building Sciences in response to the industry’s need for testing and certification of Building Enclosure Commissioning Providers and Building Enclosure Commissioning Specialists. Testing and certification is currently being planned for an April 2015 launch by ASTM. The course will prepare attendees to take the ASTM test.

Get a Sneak Peek at the BECx Education Workshop Preview during BEST4

As jurisdictions around the country are starting to enforce new building codes and building rating systems that require commissioning in buildings, the National Institute of Building Sciences Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council (BETEC) is gearing up to launch a new building enclosure commissioning (BECx) course to help bring the building industry up to speed. Industry professionals can get a sneak peek of the upcoming course on Thursday, April 16, during the BECx Education Workshop Preview, to be held in conjunction with the fourth BEST Building Enclosure Science & Technology Conferenceâ„¢ (BEST4), April 12-15, 2015, in Kansas City, Missouri.

The Institute has long maintained that building enclosure commissioning (BECx) is an important pathway to achieving high-performance buildings. In 2006, in its role as an authoritative source, the Institute, through BETEC, conceived Exterior Enclosure Technical Requirements for the Commissioning Process. That document in turn became NIBS Guideline 3-2012: Building Enclosure Commissioning Process BECx. ASTM, through a memorandum of agreement with the Institute, has since converted Guideline 3 into a standard, ASTM E2947: Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning, along with a companion document, ASTM E2813: Standard Practice for Building Enclosure Commissioning. Later this spring, ASTM is planning to launch testing and certification of BECx providers and BECx specialists.

To help industry professionals get prepared to take the ASTM exam when it comes out, the Institute, through BETEC, is creating a training program in compliance with International Accreditation Service’s (IAS) Accreditation Criteria IAS AC371, which will give participants knowledge of the BECx process, building science, building systems and testing needed so they will be able to practice BECx proficiently. BETEC presented an outline of the curriculum during Building Innovation 2015: The National Institute of Building Sciences Annual Conference and Expo, and development of the full curriculum will result in a five-day course delivered at venues organized by the local Building Enclosure Councils. The BECx Education Workshop Preview will give attendees a detailed overview of what topics will be addressed in the Institute’s upcoming five-day educational course.